Thursday, November 07, 2013

I've arrived!

So, Monday was a hectic day of last minute errands and packing. I'm so thankful for good friends who helped, I'm really not sure I could have done it without your support the whole way through! 
Tuesday morning started early, we left the house at 6:30am, and my flight left Toronto at 10:15. It was a very easy day of travelling, actually a bit relaxing after the stress of the previous day! I met up with my Aunt Arlene and Dr. Jenny in Miami and we landed in Quito at about 7:30. Customs was a breeze, once the officer saw my visa, she waved me on through. What a blessing!
A little background information on Quito. It is the capital city of Ecuador (Ecuador means equator in Spanish) and has a population of approx 2 239 191 people (2010 census, so I'm sure it's more now!)
Quito is located 9 350 ft above sea level, so it takes a bit to get used to the altitude here. They enjoy fairly Constant spring-like weather year-round, highs of about 18 and lows around 9 degrees. Right now we are just approaching their wet season. For them this does not mean rain all the time, but usually they have sunny mornings, and then rain in the afternoon or evening and overnight. 
I'm slowly adjusting to life here. The weather here is beautiful, but at times being surrounded in Spanish is overwhelming! I am picking up words and phrases already though. The plan right now is for me to have a tutor help me with learning the language for about 6 hrs every Saturday. She will come right to the house which is a blessing. Also, there is a wonderful Ecuadorian lady living with us, and she's helping me as well, speaking as little English to me as possible, so it forces me to learn :)
Last night I went to a ladies Bible study for university age girls. What a blessing. I couldn't understand much at all, but to see the excitement to learn more and the love for God in these new Christians is such a blessing. I came away so encouraged, I only wish I could share it with you all!
Next week Tuesday I hope to go with Dr. Jeny to Quininde (a very poor town near the coast, where the Word and Deed projects are) for a short visit. I'm quite excited to become reacquainted with the people I met last time I was here!

Some new experiences:
1) there are a lot of dogs here! Honestly, there is a lot of barking and if seems to get worse at night haha. But, I'm sure one eventually gets used to it (kind of like living near railroad tracks)
2) Fruits and vegetables are so cheap here! It's amazing! You can buy 4 pineapples for a dollar, I love it :)
3) they don't refridgerate their milk or eggs in the stores here, you buy them off the shelf just like canned goods. Apparently there is no extra preservatives in it, so we are not sure how that works, but most of the poor people here don't have fridges, so they can't keep it cool anyways.
4) clothes are expensive! A pair of jogging pants at Aeropostale was about $50 (on sale!) and a t-shirt cost $35.

Prayer points:
PRAISE God for bring me safely here and that it is so evident that He is working here in Ecuador!
PRAY that He would help me learn the language and not get frustrated. Also that He would help me to follow His will, and see His purpose even on the tough days 

Thanks for reading!
I'd really love to keep in touch with you as well, please send snail mail or email :)

Melissa Jonkman
Casilla 17-17-1444
Quito, Ecuador 
(Please send letters or cards only)


  1. Glad to hear you arrived safe and sound. I look forward to hearing of your adventures as you seek God through your ministry to these people. May the Lord keep you safe and healthy!

  2. Will continue to follow your journey in Ecuador. Stay safe!
