Monday, November 18, 2013

Two weeks


Sorry, I know it's been awhile since I've posted, but to be honest not too much has happened yet.

I spent the first half of last week in bed with the flu, but am feeling 100% better now thankfully.

As well I've been settling in a little and getting used to life here. I started language school this week, and my head is swimming with Spanish nouns and verbs. I have no idea how I'm going to manage to learn enough to converse easily. Maybe it's a good thing there's a little stubbornness in my nature :)
As long as I direct it properly, it won't allow me to give up too easily haha

So I'm going to apologize in advance if suddenly it takes me awhile to respond to emails or Facebook. 
My routine right now is to catch the city bus at 7am so I can make it to school by 8:30. Classes go till 3 and then another hour to hour and a half bus ride home. Buses here take forever, simply because they don't just stop at the specified stops. They each have a specific route, but they stop whenever someone flags them down to catch a ride or whenever someone stands up to get off. As you can imagine this often means stopping more than once per city block! 
As well each night I have about 2-4 hrs of homework (depending on my diligence to memorizing these tongue twisting Spanish words and phrases) and also hope to continue attending weekly Bible studies and University youth group. 

So yes, I've become busy, but it's making time pass more quickly, and I'm so thankful for these opportunities! It is something very inspiring to see new Christians study God's Word. I feel sometime we who have grown up in the church take our Christian upbringing and lives for granted, and we don't really think we need to fight for it. I know I'm guilty of that. It's exciting to see these new Christians planning on their own to meet and search the Word, and to pray for their community! Currently in one Bible study we are alternating between two books (Lies Young Women Believe, and another on how to study the Bible). The later is particularly interesting to me, and I'm excited to learn more. I think for myself it's a book I've always known, and so I read it often, but have never learned how to read it properly to get the full use it, and I've been enjoying learning more :)

Prayer points:
Thanksgiving - so far I'm adjusting well, and Ecuador is feeling more like 'home'
Petition - safety as I travel by bus through the city, as there are some risks involved with travelling alone. Thankfully I've been forewarned, and know what to look for. But most of all I know have a Lord who is watching over me!

God bless!


  1. Hi,
    Thanks for the update : ) So happy that you're feeling better. Also happy that you've got stuff to do every single day. sounds like you're pretty busy. Praying for you every day and that you'll stay safe as you travel to and from school, etc. Love you lots and looking forward to the next update.
    Love you,

  2. It's amazing how God works isn't it? Taking you to another country to see other people studying His word, and to know that He has His people everyone. That's so encouraging.
    Love you so much and enjoy hearing from you. Can't place myself in your position re: language studies, schooling, bus rides. Praying for your safety while there and above God bless you in Ecuador.
