Monday, April 07, 2014

'Fast' food (parental guidance suggested)

Hey everyone!

This past weekend (Thursday April 3-Sunday April 6) I had the chance to go along with my Aunt Arlene and cousin Erin on a homeschoolers retreat to the beach. I had a great time to meeting new people, and it was neat to see how the kids had fun together and enjoyed each other's company.
I want to share a unique experience I had while there. 
The place where we stayed was owned by a missionary family that lives here in Quito. They bought this beachfront property, and built a four story building on it, so they could house retreats and camps and things. It was a very nice, clean place to stay, and I must say I enjoy falling asleep with the sound of waves in the background! Anyways, when we arrived they told us that if we saw any iguanas we could go ahead a kill one, as they were becoming somewhat of a nuisance. The couple that leads the homeschooler's retreat used to live in the jungle of Ecuador, so are quite accustomed to eating different meats, and were all up for the challenge of catching and cooking an iguana! However, the iguanas did prove rather difficult to catch. Slingshots were used daily, but never managed to take down an iguana. So, on Saturday, Mr. Borman climbed a tree, knocked an iguana out and then killed it. The poor creature was skinned, chopped up in pieces and fried in oil.

I must say it smelt quite gamey in the kitchen as they were cooking it, but iguana does taste somewhat like chicken, just a bit more chewy. I had wanted to taste guinea pig while I was here, but I think iguana is a great substitute, and it was a pretty neat experience! 



  1. Yikes! Way to go Melissa. I don't think I'd do it.

  2. Wow! I never would have guessed iguanas to actually have any meat on them... that's awesome

  3. Are those your arms in the second picture Melissa? Cool experience! Enjoying your blog - thanks for the posts! God's blessing on you and your work there! Brian & Holly
